blank filter meaning in English
- When you create a filter from scratch , you start with a blank filter to which you add each field and specify details such as data alignment within a field , field width , and the field title that appears on screen . when you create a filter based on an existing filter , you modify a copy of the existing filter without changing the original . when you edit an existing filter , you change the original filter .
如果要重新创建筛选器,将从一个空筛选器开始,向其中添加每个域并指定详细信息(譬如域中数据的对齐方式、域的宽度和显示在屏幕上的域标题) ;基于现有的筛选器创建筛选器时,修改的是现有筛选器的副本而不是原筛选器;编辑现有的筛选器时,修改的是原筛选器。